As this very article is being written, the pandemic is still ongoing. With the vaccinations already underway in a substantial percentage of countries in the world, we can be assured that it’s ending, eventually. The economies of most countries were all over the place when it began, and some still are. About twenty million people in the US lost their jobs in 2020 because of the crisis, and a hundred million more over the world. And these are just the ILO statistics(International Labour Organisation). Who knows how many more people crossed the poverty line, or lost their homes?

Saving Your Money
Especially with all of the factors combined, those who could were thinking about at least saving their assets during the emergency lockdowns. One of the most popular ways to do that proved real estate investing. With the prices down, the investors saw that as an enormous opportunity. Expecting the prices to rise once the economies recover turned out to be wise thinking. They did indeed, with real estate actually costing more than pre-pandemic in plenty of locations, such as Florida or Texas.
In the past, all stocks that lost or lacked relevance during the recession went majorly down. It was key to understand which ones were going to be profitable or redundant. Zoom, for example, turned out to be a major force in the market. Businesses needed it so bad, and Zoom was there to offer them exactly that. The Company went public a few months after the pandemic started, in April 2019. It settled on the price of 62 dollars per share. Fast forward almost a year, the price went up to 350 dollars per share and even went as high as 400 dollars not too long ago. There were countless investment opportunities during this time and those who have predicted them profited greatly. Dow, one of the major stocks on the market, crushed by 30% right when the pandemic hit, losing 10,000$ in its value over a ridiculously short period of time. As of a year later, the stock has rebounded, to an even greater price than before.
But you shouldn’t only focus on the major worldwide companies and stocks. Local and foreign markets should be of consideration as well. This Japanese website is all about investing in the Far East Country, and you can find information even on the most relevant investments right now, in pandemic circumstances.
Learning The Ropes
Investing isn’t some magic trick that is going to make you rich overnight. However, if you invest in the right assets, you will have the best chances to achieve the wealth you desire. Working hard is important, and you should invest even harder to make your money do the job for you. Most investment books and advice can be boiled down to a few paramount gold nuggets. Let’s explore the main one, and how YOU can use it on your road to success.
What Is The Value?
Whatever you are selling, buying, or doing has value. Your job has value to your boss or the company, that’s why they are paying you. Humans need housings, that’s why they pay their hard-earned dollars to rent an apartment or purchase some real estate. Real estate goes up or down depending on the demand for that particular location or country. The reason why the houses in California cost way more than they did in the ’80s, is because the population is increasing, but the land can’t just expand out of nowhere. People want to live in Beverly Hills, but you can’t just build houses on houses endlessly. The land has a price, and as more people desire it, so does the leverage the seller has increased.
The same goes for investments. Why do some stocks crash? They lose value or reputation. They are no longer seen as a good business to put money in, and as a consequence, nobody wants to do that. Zoom was so successful this year because EVERYBODY wanted it, thus immensely increasing the value. Planes weren’t flying during the crisis much, that’s why Boeing wasn’t the top dollar. As soon as went flying again, they could provide value to customers.
By picking investments based on their value and it’s presumed route, you may make the wisest decisions. If the market shifts, you have to learn to adapt to it. Investments that increase over time in value, will bring you the most money and the biggest returns on your cash. To learn more about returns on investments(ROI for short), click here.