The benefits of Javanese tamarind are closely related to traditional medicine. Tamarind is mainly used to treat various digestive disorders, stomach aches, and as a laxative. The health benefits of tamarind have been known for a long time.
Tamarind is a fruit produced from the tamarind tree (Tamarindus indica). This fruit is also popularly known as tamarind, tamarind, asang jawa, asang jawi and sampalok. In English it is called tamarind.
Tamarind has a strong sour taste and has been widely used for cooking spices. This fruit is also often used in making herbal medicine so that it tastes better.
This tamarind pulp in the form of a sticky pulp or paste is believed to contain many properties that are good for the health of the body. This can also be seen from the content of Javanese acid which is rich in important substances and minerals.
The benefits of Javanese tamarind are mainly due to its nutritional content, such as vitamin B, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, copper and natural fiber. There are also active substances such as thiamine, niacin, pyridoxine and non-starch polysaccharides.
Tamarind fruit is also rich in phytochemicals, such as safrole, limonine, cinnamic acid, geraniol (natural antioxidant), methyl salicylate (anti-irritant), alkylthiazola and pyrazine. There are also antioxidants and beta carotene which are good for health.
Benefits of Tamarind for Body Health
The nutritional content and chemical substances in this fruit make it very good for the body. Here are the various benefits of Javanese tamarind that you should know and can use for emergency conditions.
Overcoming Cancer
The geraniol content in Javanese tamarind is very effective in inhibiting pancreatic tumors. Like the results of research that found phytochemical properties in treating pancreatic cancer.
Overcoming Bile Disorders
The benefits of Javanese acid also come from the content of non-starch polysaccharides, which are natural fibers that are effective in smoothing the flow of bile. This will be able to overcome bile disorders.
Counteract Free Radicals
Tamarind contains strong antioxidants and is effective in warding off free radicals and increasing body immunity. The habit of drinking tamarind water is very good for maintaining a healthy body.
Promotes Digestive Health
The benefits of Javanese tamarind have long been used in traditional medicine as a natural laxative that accelerates metabolism and maintains digestive health. Moreover, the fiber content is also useful for overcoming stomach disorders.
Improve Blood Circulation
The potassium content in Javanese tamarind functions to maintain normal fluid balance in the body. This is very useful for controlling blood pressure and heart rate. Iron content plays a role in the production of red blood cells.
Lose weight
The fiber and vitamin C content makes Javanese tamarind also good for weight loss diets. The content of hydroxy syrup or HCA is also useful to dispel body fat so that it makes the body slim quickly.
Relieves Inflammation and Rheumatism
Tamarind benefits also from its anti-inflammatory properties which are useful in relieving pain and arthritis. Drinking boiled tamarind water is also useful for treating rheumatism and gout.
Increase Endurance
Tamarind is rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants that can boost the immune system.
In addition, it has also been shown to inhibit the growth of microbial and fungal infections. Because tamarind has antiseptic properties to cure all infections.
Improve Eye Health
The benefits of Javanese tamarind are also good for eye health because of the content of vitamin A. This herb is also effective in reducing the risk of macular degeneration, cataracts and preventing dry eyes.
Overcoming Lever and Asthma
Research has found Javanese acid to be anti-histamine which is effective in treating asthma. Drinking tamarind water regularly also protects and improves liver function.
Those are the various properties and benefits of Javanese tamarind which turns out to be very effective in overcoming various diseases. Drinking tamarind water is also good for maintaining immunity and body health. For maximum results make sure you have taken a weight loss supplement from Nutra Vesta Proven which is trusted and many people have tried it, Interested? please visit the official website here nutravesta proven